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Here’s What Your Pet Wants in Your Dream Home

March 10, 2022
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Having a pet is one of life’s greatest joys. There are few things better in life than snuggling up with your furry friend at the end of a long day, or seeing them experience something new for the first time like snow or a spoonful of peanut butter. They are just as much a part of the family as you are! If you have a dog or plan to adopt a pet when you move into your dream home here are a few things you should consider adding to your home.

Dog washing Station 

Sure you can give your dog a bath in your bathtub, but do you really want to? Instead of cleaning the dog and then your bathtub from all the mud, make your life easier and give them their own space to be bathed.

Outdoor access 

Whether you choose a doggy door, or a door leading to the backyard, give them a way to access the outside. Your dog will appreciate the chance to run around and the cat will love exploring the area. You’ll also enjoy that they burn off energy! 

Flooring choices 

Tile is best, vinyl is great, and carpet is soft. Tile and vinyl are easy to clean when accidents happen. Carpet is a bit more effort to clean but there are plenty of cleaners available at your local pet store that will make your carpet good as new.  

Storage for pet food 

During your permitting phase when you start planning where you want storage be sure to add a spot for pet food. You can also create a space to add the litter box so it’s out of the way.  

We hope you and your furry friends love your dream home for years to come! Start your building journey today and contact our sales team.

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