Meet the Experts is an annual event where we gather industry experts in a variety of specializations to answer all your home building questions. Building a home can seem like a daunting task, and sometimes a simple internet search won’t fully answer your questions, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are 5 reasons you should attend Meet the Experts.
1) All your questions answered in one place
There are a lot of topics that affect one another while building your dream home. Instead of making 15 different phone calls or sending a dozen emails to answer one question, only to have the answer generate another question, just take a few steps to the next table to speak with another industry expert and receive your answer instantly. Here are just some of the subjects you can cover during the event.

2) Sit down and receive undivided attention
No distractions at this event, it’s just you and the expert talking about your future home. What a better (and faster) way to solve any questions about your lot or home!
3) Learn from the questions others are asking
Everyone in that room is working on building their dream home and has different levels of expertise and knowledge. Some of the other attendees might ask questions you’ve never thought of before. Your questions could help someone on their building journey as well!
4) No vague answers about your specific lot
A simple internet search can only answer so much! You don’t need to become an expert in construction-let us worry about that for you. Our team will have the most up to date information to guide you most effectively.
5) See the depth of experience we have cultivated in our team

We trust all these industry experts with our own customers. We work alongside them to help you build your dream home and try to do so as smoothly as possible. This is the time to gather with them and make your dream home a reality.
Please contact our sales team at to reserve your spot!
Tags: build a home, construction loan, construction management, finance expert, mortgage loan, Northern Virginia, Northern Virginia Real Estate, Real Estate, site workCategorized in: Classic Homes Info, Custom Home Tips, New Home Tips, Uncategorized
This post was written by Classic Homes